Evolve Protocol — User Experience Preview (Part 1)

Evolution x Evolve
2 min readMay 13, 2022

As we inch closer and closer to our official launch date we will begin our education series to teach new users how to use the Evolve protocol.

First, below is our “Markets” page:

On the top row (menu bar), users can navigate between “Markets,” “Dashboard,” and “Bounties.” We will explain each page in a separate medium post.

The second row includes:
- Total Volume Locked: The total amount of money staked on the Evolve platform
- Total Supplied: The total amount of money supplied
- Total Borrowed: The total amount of money borrowed

Lending Pools

Users of the Evolve Protocol will be able to view pool analytics, supply tokens for lending to earn the supply APR, and deposit collateral to leverage LP tokens for enhanced yield.
- Total Supply: The total amount of money supplied by the user in this isolated lending pool
- Total Borrowed: The total amount of money borrowed by the user in this isolated lending pool
- Utilization: The percentage of supplied tokens that are currently being borrowed. In the above image, you can see that $10.26 is being borrowed from the total of $10.95 of CRO being supplied ($10.26 / $10.95 x100 = ~93%)
- Supply Annual Percentage Rate (APR): The interest rate users receive from supplying their token
- Borrow APR: The interest rate users pay by borrowing tokens
- Total Value Locked: The total value staked by all users participating in this lending pool
- Leveraged LP APR: The estimated APR for leverage farming. In this sample, the user earns 93.92% APR in the native farm without leverage, but the user can earn up to 332% APR on the same funds if they leveraged farmed at 5x.

