Evolve Protocol — User Experience Preview (Part 2)

Evolution x Evolve
2 min readMay 14, 2022

The dashboard is where users can find a summary of their positions.

On the first row:
- Total Value Locked: The total amount of funds users staked in the Evolve protocol.
- Total Supplied: The total amount of funds users supplied in the Evolve protocol.
- Total Borrowed: The total amount of funds users have borrowed in the Evolve protocol

Borrow Positions

This is where users can see each of their individual lending pool positions.
- The left column shows the user’s LP position including the DEX
- The middle column shows:
— Leverage: the current leverage position. In this example, the leverage position is 4.01x
— TWAP: This stands for time-weighted average price which is a ratio between the two tokens in their LP, in this case, CRO/VVS. Users will need to ensure that the TWAP of their positions remains in between the “liquidation prices.”
— Liquidation Prices: The prices at which a user's funds are able to be liquidated because the ratio in their LP is outside of the boundaries for the liquidation prices. The range will become narrower the higher leverage a user uses and vice versa. We will discuss ways users can protect themselves from liquidation in future posts.
— Current APR Estimate: The current farming APR% of their position based on their current leverage level
The right column shows the token and USD value of all of the user's tokens and LP positions.

Supply Positions

The supply positions are much more self-explanatory. Users can see their current supplied positions as well as the current supply APR for each individual token.

